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Crispy Wave Watering Advice

Every plant species has unique watering needs, and the Crispy Wave is no exception! Chances are, you’ve read the basic requirements: “Keep constantly moist.” But what exactly does that entail? Keep reading to find the answer to your questions about how frequently to water your Crispy Wave and which watering methods are the best!

Brown Tips on Crispy Wave: Causes And Cures

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A Few Basics About Crispy Waves

It’s always essential to understand why your plant has specific requirements. What are the Crispy Wave’s origins? These plants are a type of Asplenium Fern, also known as a Bird’s Nest Fern, and originate from tropical Japan and Taiwan.

In nature, Crispy Waves are epiphytic: they grow on rocks and trees rather than the soil. This goes a long way in explaining their water, humidity, and soil requirements.

Crispy Wave Watering Tip #1: When to Water

The soil of your Crispy Wave should be constantly moist but never wet. What does that feel like? Think of a wrung-out sponge. When the topsoil is cool to the touch and slightly crumbly, you should water. Depending on your soil and environment, this could be as frequently as once a week.

Watering frequency will increase during April-September because this is your Crispy Wave’s growing season.

You should not allow the soil of your Crispy Wave to dry out, becoming a neutral temperature and crusty. If you do, do not overcompensate. Rehydrate your plant and reestablish a healthy watering routine.

Can you overwater a Crispy Wave?

Definitely yes. You can overwater any plant. It’s the #1 reason for houseplant death. Mold on the topsoil’s surface, fungus gnats, a strong odor, yellowing, browning, and other physical signs are all indicators that your Crispy Wave is overwatered.

How can you fix it? If you’ve caught it early enough, allow your Crispy Wave’s soil to dry out further than usual. Afterward, resume a healthy watering routine.

Crispy Wave Watering Tip #2: Well-Draining Soil

Your soil selection plays a vital role in your plant’s watering routine. Why? Various types of soil retain water differently. What kind of soil does your Crispy Wave need? Well-draining.

An unaltered traditional potting mix is unsuitable for your Crispy Wave because it does not dry out frequently or evenly enough.

Plant your Crispy Wave in coarse, well-draining soil. Examples include prepackaged Cactus or Hoya mix. You can also put extra perlite into your traditional potting mix for added drainage.

Crispy Wave Watering Tip #3: Boosting Humidity

What does humidity have to do with your watering routine? Your soil has better water retention in a humid environment because the moisture is not evaporating into the air as quickly. You will not need to water your Crispy Wave as frequently.

Remember, misting is not an appropriate option for boosting your Crispy Wave’s humidity levels. Why? Moisture on the leaves will cause brown leaf spot, a fungal disease. Your most effective method? A filterless humidifier.

Crispy Wave Watering Tip #4: Method

There are two methods of watering that are suitable for your Crispy Wave:

  1. Soil-only: Using a long-necked watering can, water the topsoil of your Crispy Wave thoroughly. Drench it for 2 minutes until water is pouring out of the drainage hole.

  2. Bottom watering: Place your Crispy Wave (pot and all) into a bowl filled ⅔ with water. Wait 20 minutes and remove.

Which should you select? Both work well, so your choice depends mainly on personal preference.

What About Self-Watering Pots?

Crispy Waves are good candidates for self-watering pots because they like to maintain even moisture when planted in the proper soil. Things to keep in mind? Ensure that your container has an overflow hole or spout. Without this feature, there is a greater likelihood that your Crispy Wave will become overwatered.

You do not always have to use your self-watering pot as your primary watering method. Instead, it can be a convenient tool to help you through the growing season when your Crispy Wave is at its thirstiest. How do you stop? Don’t fill your pot’s reservoir. Instead, lift out the inner pot (that your Crispy Wave is planted in) and water the soil only, allowing it to drain thoroughly.

Crispy Wave Watering Tip #5: Water in the Morning

Why does it matter? This is the ideal time for absorption and evaporation. Even though the above methods should prevent moisture from touching the foliage, having a full day’s natural light will evaporate any accidental droplets from damaging your Crispy Wave.

Crispy Wave Watering Tip #6: Water Temperature

You should not be watering your Crispy Wave with cold or hot water. Why? Both extremes can shock the roots of your plant, resulting in leaf loss. Instead, use water that’s at room temperature.

Crispy Wave Watering Tip #7: The Rosette Center

The rosette center of your Crispy Wave should be kept dry at all times. You shouldn’t water it accidentally or on purpose. Doing so will result in leaf rot, which appears as brown splotches on the leaf’s surface. Ultimately it will also result in crown rot, which is the overall rotting of your plant’s core (and will lead to death).

Crispy Wave Watering Tip #8: Toxins in the Water

Regular tap water contains toxins, chemicals, and metals that damage delicate houseplants, including the Crispy Wave. If your Crispy Wave is experiencing issues, you should start watering it with filtered water. Another option? Leave your full watering can out overnight; this will give some of the chemicals a chance to evaporate.

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